Pregnancy Wellness: 5 Ways to Stay Healthy and Happy

Pregnancy Wellness: 5 Ways to Stay Healthy and Happy

In addition to finding a trusted midwife, attending prenatal appointments and doing any recommended testing to ensure and healthy, safe birth, here are 5 ways to stay healthy and happy during this incredible journey.

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The Greatest Blessing: A VBAC Birth Story

The Greatest Blessing: A VBAC Birth Story

We knew we had made the right decision. When I labored naturally, I wasn’t scared. I was aware that everything was ok, and I just focused on getting my baby out and nothing else around me. The midwives played a big part in that. I got the chance to labor in the water! And in any way I liked! It was the greatest blessing that we had put all our faith into.

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The Postpartum Period and Adjusting to Life with a Newborn

The Postpartum Period and Adjusting to Life with a Newborn

Congrats, Mama! You just made it through childbirth, the most sacred right of passage in a woman's life. Now it's time to bond and learn to care for the most precious being you've ever known. We know all the feels. It's the greatest love you've ever felt when you hold that new baby in your arms, more love than you ever knew you were capable of feeling.

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The Benefits of Meditation During Pregnancy and Beyond

The Benefits of Meditation During Pregnancy and Beyond

Pregnancy, childbirth and the transition into motherhood is the most beautiful and humbling journey a woman will go on. Pregnancy marks the beginning of a great change. Along with all the physical changes, there are great emotional and hormonal shifts too.

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