Risks of Epidural Use During Labor

Risks of Epidural Use During Labor

In the US, 71% of women choose to have some type of epidural anesthesia pain relief during labor (Stanford Medicine, 2017). Most of the time, epidural anesthesia is not medically necessary. It is chosen by mothers who do not want to experience the pain that comes with childbirth, or it’s been suggested to get an epidural. Epidurals are also used when a woman is not progressing, or they have hit their threshold for labor pain and ask for it.

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Connecting with Your Baby: 5 Ways to Bond Before Birth

Connecting with Your Baby: 5 Ways to Bond Before Birth

The bond you create with your little one will sustain you through all the hills and valleys of your journey together. Forgive and heal old wounds, surround yourself with positivity and wander with curiosity into the great unknown of motherhood.

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The Greatest Blessing: A VBAC Birth Story

The Greatest Blessing: A VBAC Birth Story

We knew we had made the right decision. When I labored naturally, I wasn’t scared. I was aware that everything was ok, and I just focused on getting my baby out and nothing else around me. The midwives played a big part in that. I got the chance to labor in the water! And in any way I liked! It was the greatest blessing that we had put all our faith into.

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Preparing for a Natural Birth

Preparing for a Natural Birth

Any mama will tell you that along with pregnancy comes some big emotional, hormonal and physical changes. As a baby grows, a pregnant woman also grows, sometimes wildly. She finds herself sharing her hopes and dreams with her little one, imagining how her pregnancy will progress, how her birth will go, and who her baby will be. It's really amazing.

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The Benefits of Meditation During Pregnancy and Beyond

The Benefits of Meditation During Pregnancy and Beyond

Pregnancy, childbirth and the transition into motherhood is the most beautiful and humbling journey a woman will go on. Pregnancy marks the beginning of a great change. Along with all the physical changes, there are great emotional and hormonal shifts too.

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Choosing a Natural Birth with a Midwife

Choosing a Natural Birth with a Midwife

It is well known throughout the world that for a low-risk, healthy mama, birthing a baby naturally with a midwife in a quiet, familiar environment is not only safe, but better for the woman and baby.

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