Pregnancy Wellness: 5 Ways to Stay Healthy and Happy

Next up to motherhood, pregnancy is one of the greatest passages of a woman's life. The female body is resilient. What a miracle that it's made up of everything she needs to create and care for a new life. It's truly a sacred experience, an experience that deserves special care. In addition to finding a trusted midwife, attending prenatal appointments and doing any recommended testing to ensure and healthy, safe birth, here are 5 ways to stay healthy and happy during this incredible journey.


 1. Eat like the goddess you are. Whether you are a meat eater, vegan or vegetarian - a balanced diet is best. Find an app like My Fitness Pal that can help you keep track of what you are eating each day to ensure you are getting the appropriate amounts of calories and protein. There are many foods that are super helpful during pregnancy, so make sure to talk to your midwife about your diet. We are what we eat, so having a healthy pregnancy and birth requires that you think about everything you put into your body.

 2. Move your body. If your midwife says it's safe, exercise in the same way you always have. If you're too sedentary, you may need to increase your movement. Studies show that moderate-intensity exercise is great during pregnancy. Prenatal yoga, swimming, cycling, walking, and low-impact aerobics are ideal. As long as you don't over do it, DO IT! Your body and your baby will thank you later.

 3. Read books and articles that will support your birthing choices. Stay away from negative birth stories. Reading negative stories will just set you up for doubt and a more difficult birth. Trust your instincts and the village around you. Some highly recommended books include; Birthing from Within, Ina May's Guide to Childbirth, and Mindful Birthing: Training the Mind, Body, and Heart for Childbirth and Beyond. Never underestimate the power you hold as a woman. You were made to do this.

 4. Treat yourself. Give yourself the gift of more self-love, prenatal massages or whatever else brings you joy. Consider the wonderful, healing properties of essential oils. A few of our favorites are Serenity (to lessen anxiety and promote rest and relaxation), Balance (to ground you during times of uncertainty), and Ginger (for nausea and indigestion). We recommend to always choose pure, therapeutic grade oils that are safe for use during pregnancy. As far as what brand is best, at Pure Births, we've tried them all, and agree that Doterra Essential Oils are the most effective. Contact us to learn more!

 5. Meditate. Frequently. Everyday. All the time. You can't meditate too much. This is a critical time of growth for your little one, and a time of great change for you as a mama. Meditation will help you get in tune with your self, and create an everlasting bond with your baby. Relaxing the mind is perhaps the most underestimated, but necessary activity that us humans can do for ourselves each day. With all the fast-paced distractibility of our busy, modern times, we often forget to take a few minutes a day to just be in the moment. Being in the moment allows us space to feel joy and be grateful for our lives.


 Pregnancy is such a beautiful time. Take care of yourself. Remember to take it easy. You don't need much to take care of a newborn, so don't stress about the nursery or having the best of the best. Surround yourself with positive people and positive energy. The greatest gift you can give your little one, is the gift of your health and happiness.


By Christine Rapsys, Writer and Pure Births Mama