Connecting with Your Baby: 5 Ways to Bond Before Birth

Becoming a mother is a sacred experience, one that is truly special and unique to every woman. The little eggs we grow inside of us are not just our children, they are a part of who we are and were created to be. Development starts within the womb, so it is incredibly important to make this a place of well-being and love. Healthy nutrition, exercise and a trusted care provider are crucial, but then you have to dive deeper. Here are 5 ways to create a strong bond before your baby's birth. 


1. Ignore the Naysayers. People love to give unsolicited advice. They say things like, "Get the epidural!", "You'll see how hard it is", "Don't let the baby sleep with you", "He doesn't need to breastfeed anymore", "That's dangerous!". They might say things because they love you, but they also think that somehow their way is the "right" way to do things. However, the bottom line is that we are all different. What works for one woman, won't work for another. What feels right to one mama, won't feel right to another. This brings me to #2.

2. Trust your intuition. When you become pregnant, something very primal takes place. Hormones shift, your body changes and suddenly you have this overwhelming drive to take care of your baby. You would do anything to keep them safe. You start feeling things you've never felt and having ideas you've never had. Your instincts kick in, and it's life-changing. You know better than anyone what feels right or wrong for you and your baby. Trust yourself. Don't let others influence you into doing things that don't feel right. If it feels wrong, it probably is.

3. Meditate. Anxiety can be common during pregnancy (hey, you're about to give birth to a human, out of your you-know-what! Yeah, the struggle is real). Even though nerves might kick in, it's more important than ever to be calm. If you are an anxious person, your baby will feel it. Remember to take time everyday to just be still. Find a quiet place to be with yourself and your growing baby. Settle into the moment and give love to that life growing inside of you. Do this everyday, during every little moment you can find. Breathing in and out, develop inner peace. Meditation is a gift to both of you.

4. Visualize and manifest the birth you desire. Every. Day. Love yourself fully, believe in the power of your intentions and manifest what you desire. Read positive birth stories. Connect with other positive women who'll surround you with the support and love you need. The power of visualization and positive thinking can do wonders. Do this everyday.

5. Follow your heart. That growing baby is a part of you, and you are a part of him or her. Always. In a sense, your baby is your heart. Doing all the above mentioned things ensures that as you grow your baby, you will also grow yourself. In doing so, you will be giving the gift of confidence, strength and love to your baby. Touch that belly. Everywhere. All the time. Hold your baby as you would hold your own heart. You are about to feel the greatest love you've ever known.


The bond you create with your little one will sustain you through all the hills and valleys of your journey together. Forgive and heal old wounds, surround yourself with positivity and wander with curiosity into the great unknown of motherhood. Honor the women who've come before you. Expect that becoming a mother is certainly going to change you (in the best way possible). And don't worry, you'll figure everything out, one day at a time. We're here for you. We've been there, too.